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Warm Calling: Quick Start Setup

Out-of-the-box playbook to get started with Warmly's Warm Calling feature end-to-end in under 10 minutes

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago

Setup Time: 10 Minutes


Warmly has created this quick start setup guide in order to help you and your reps get started Warm Calling live prospects on your website immediately post-implementation. Within 10 minutes, you will have this workflow set up end-to-end. In addition, Warmly has provided you with our Warm Calling best practices that you and your reps can use out of the gate, and tailor to your business needs over time.


As seen in Warmly’s ROI analysis of Warm Calling (and depending on many variables including website traffic), you should be targeting 500 Warm Calls and 10 booked meetings, generating substantial run-rate ROI every month.

Warmly Setup

In order to Warm Call prospects visiting your website, you will first need to set up Slack channels that will notify your reps real-time the minute that a prospect comes to your website.

Warmly recommends that each rep (or each pod/territory) has a Slack channel specifically set up to notify them when one of their name accounts, contacts (leads) or opportunities comes to the website (this can also include Greenfield accounts within that rep’s or pod’s territory).

Warmly would also recommend that your organization has a general Greenfield Slack notifications channel that all reps are in notifying them when an unowned ICP account is on the website, and the reps can take advantage of that notification on a first-come first-served basis.

The Slack channels will be incremental to your AI Chat Slack notification channel, which will always be the highest intent Slack channel for your reps (it is notifying your reps that a prospect has already responded to a message and is ripe for immediate engagement).


Assuming that you have two reps, Jack and Jill, and you sell to tech companies that are headquartered in the United States and that have less than 500 employees, Warmly would recommend the below Slack channel setup.

Slack Channel 1: warmly-jack-owned-notifications

With the below segments:

Slack Channel 2: warmly-jill-owned-notifications

With the below segments:

Slack Channel 3: warmly-greenfield-icp-notifications

With the below segments:

Jack and Jill should pay close attention to these Slack channels, and when they receive a notification they are interested in (which should be most notifications assuming that we’ve set up and applied the correct segments), they should take the below action (based on Warmly's best practices).

Warmly Warm Calling Best Practice

When you receive a Slack notification that you want to engage with, immediately click the green Warm Call button (your prospect might be on your website for 5 minutes, or 5 seconds!). Then follow the below video (3 minutes) as the Warmly best practice.

This article was written by the Customer Success team at Warmly. Please feel free to reach out to your CSM directly or [email protected]

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