Step 1: Check your Zoom version.
The first step in alleviating the issue (flashing white light or wonky-looking Nametags) is to make sure your Zoom account is updated to the most recent version of Zoom. Hovering Nametags are only available in 5.11.6 and later. For best performance please be on Zoom Version 5.13.3 and later
Not sure if you're on the most recent version? Just click the profile icon in Zoom, then click Check for Updates. No updates? You're good! Otherwise, simply install the prompted update.
Note: Mac users must have MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or higher to use Zoom Apps.
Step 2: Ensure you have "HD" selected in your video settings.
Step 3: Try hitting the "refresh" Nametag option in the Nametag Builder
Step 4: Do you have an external camera? Check out this article here to see what steps to follow: External Cameras and Warmly
Step 5: Try quitting the app and refreshing it
Is your issue that your Nametag looks backwards? Don't worry it is not. You are mirrored -- see here.
Does your Nametag look massive or shrunken? Please ensure you're on Zoom Version 5.13.3 or later -- Zoom had some bugs with this feature for certain screen and camera resolutions before hand :(
ps. If all else fails - go to Warmly on the Web and download a background to use