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Chat: High Converting Chat Bot to Capture and Route Website Visitors
Chat: High Converting Chat Bot to Capture and Route Website Visitors

Warmly's playbook for Inbound Chat, enabling your team to effectively route website visitors to the right place at the right time

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago


Your sales team uses Warmly to be notified via a Slack notification when your hottest sessions are live on your website so that your team can proactively engage with them real-time. You might even use Warmly's AI Chat functionality to automate the initial, proactive outreach to prospects on your hottest pages. But you're looking for a tool to route all website visitors to the right place at the right time, enabling ICP sessions to leave their email or book a meeting fully automated, while still looping in a sales rep to the hottest sessions. Let's dive into Warmly's Inbound Chat.

Using detailed branch logic, your team is able to put your best messaging in front of prospects on your website and then offer a sophisticated chat journey based on the prospect's responses. If the prospect's answers are high intent, your team can take action by notifying a sales rep in Slack, offering a calendar link to the prospect, or asking for the prospect's email so that your team can reach out after the fact. And if the prospect's answers are low intent, you can still offer the prospect a journey on your website that offers a solution while not wasting any of your team's valuable resources.

Warmly's powerful Inbound Chat workflows can be as detailed as your team would like (see an example of Warmly's Inbound Chat workflow below). This playbook offers a fundamental Inbound Chat workflow that your team can and should continue to build off of.

Example of Warmly's Inbound Chat workflow, purely for illustrative purposes

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Play #1: Fundamental Inbound Chat Workflow

Creating and Integrating Your Slack Notification Channel for Inbound Chat Notifications

See Warmly's Creating Slack Notification Channels article to set up your Slack notification channel for this playbook. Warmly recommends that you name this Slack notification channel warmly-inbound-chat-notifications.

Once you have integrated the Slack channel, you're done! We will select this Slack channel to funnel notifications into in your Inbound Chat Flow.

Setting Up the Inbound Chat Flow

Here's the fun part. Head over to the Inbound Chat tab and select 'New Chat Flow'.

Set up your Triggers, which determines who will see your Inbound Chat on your website. Warmly recommends showing it to generally all audiences, though feel free to use Segments to filter out competitors, customers, or your own company's traffic. You can filter in / out pages based on the pathname condition.

Start your flow by asking an engaging question, and then choose buttons to offer your prospects applicable answers. Build branch logic for each flow.

For your Sales flow, feel free to ask if the would like to talk to a human or engage with your website without human interference. If that's the case, let's direct them to the most important parts of your website.

Loop in a rep via a Slack notification by sending a Slack alert. Then ask for the person's business email (this will connect to your CRM, so select the CRM field you would like this data to route to where applicable, typically contact/lead -> email).

If the prospect doesn't want to talk to a human, give them powerful collateral and then enable them to book a demo automatically with a calendar link, while also asking for their email.

Don't forget to end your flow!

If the website visitor selected that they are a customer with a question off of your initial message, route them to the proper customer success portal.

If the website visitor selected that they are just looking around, provide them with powerful collateral before enabling them to book a demo with a calendar link and asking them to leave their business email so your team can get back in touch.

Warmly's Chat Dashboard (Important!)

Warmly's Chat dashboard within Warm Reports grants your team an umbrella view of your chat history through Warmly. Using this dashboard, your team can easily see all missed chats (where prospects engaged with your Inbound Chat flow but your team did not engage back) and get back in touch with prospects with hyper-contextualized detail.

Warmly's Chat dashboard

An example of a high intent engagement with an identified visitor through Inbound Chat

Customizations for your Settings & Brands

Warmly lets your team customize your Inbound Chat (and AI Chat) settings to provide an on-brand experience to your prospects.

Choose the default inbound chat user, which will be the rep on your team that Inbound Chat messages flow from (this is purely for aesthetic purposes)

Upload your company logo, or upload a Default company video (Warmly suggests uploading an engaging Default company video for increased engagement)

Set business hours where applicable (Warmly recommends selecting All days and times of the week to enable our chat to engage with as many prospects as possible, while providing them CTAs to book meetings or leave their email when reps are not available)

Turning Your Inbound Chat On

Be sure to toggle your Inbound Chat on once ready to start generating pipeline! If you are looping in sales team members live through the Inbound Chat workflow, ensure that your sales reps are receiving the notifications and are taking action on them.

This article was written by the Customer Success team at Warmly. Please feel free to reach out to your CSM directly or [email protected]

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