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Customizing Chat

Use this article to help you customize your Chat and give your prospects a great customer experience!

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago

Customizations for your Settings & Brand

Warmly lets your team customize your Chat settings to provide an on-brand experience to your prospects.

Set the company brand by selecting a chat color and uploading your logo

Name the Generic Team User and upload an image (likely the same as your logo), we suggest using [Your Company] Team

For Greeting, upload your company logo, or upload a Default company video (Warmly suggests uploading an engaging Default company video for increased engagement)

Add a team calendar link (likely a round robin link) so prospects can quickly book a meeting with the team

Set business hours where applicable (Warmly recommends selecting All days and times of the week to enable our chat to engage with as many prospects as possible, while providing them CTAs to book meetings or leave their email when reps are not available)

This article was written by the Customer Success team at Warmly. Please feel free to reach out to your CSM directly or [email protected]

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