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AI Prospector Sequencing Best Practices
AI Prospector Sequencing Best Practices

Best practices for sequencing with Warmly's AI Prospector

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago

Warmly's AI Prospector will auto-book you meetings by auto-emailing prospects who visit your website. It's a powerful tool that enables your organization to send hundreds of emails/day from your reps to their key accounts from the tools you already use.

The goal is not only to save time when sequencing, but also to increase reply rate since you're leveraging key information about them having visited the website

Sequence Types

  1. Owned account sequences

  2. Closed/Lost revival sequences

  3. Marketing nurture sequences

  4. Greenfield sequences

  5. Junior influencer sequences

  6. Page specific sequences

  7. Challenge sequences

  8. Active deal sequences

Here are some best practices and considerations for writing your sequences:

  1. Nothin' New Sequence

  2. Was it you or pass me along Sequence

  3. Your team visited Sequence

  4. Page Specific Sequence

  5. Subject line suggestions

AI Prospector Sequences Types:

  1. Owned account sequences

    1. Rationale: Your reps want to save time by auto-emailing accounts in their name. If they've reached out before then it is best to come from them again

    2. Suggested Filters: X Reps Named Accounts, Exclude Active Deals, Exclude Customers, More than 10 seconds on website

  2. Closed/Lost revival sequences

    1. Rationale: Often times a new business objective comes up or a new stakeholder emerges within a deal that you had lost before. If they are now revisiting it is great to reach out again and see if there is renewed interest. It's the perfect touch point

    2. Suggested Filters: Include Closed/Lost deals, More than 10 seconds on website

  3. Marketing nurture sequences

    1. Rationale: Any company in your ICP visiting the site has the chance to be a customer. But if they only visit for a small amount of time they probably are not ready for a meeting. Instead of trying to get them to book, why not nurture them with good content for them to keep learning about your company. Try multi-threading to get more interested parties too

    2. Suggested Filters: Less than 20 seconds on website, More than 5 seconds on website, in your ICP, Exclude Active Deals, Exclude Customers, Exclude competitors

  4. Greenfield sequences

    1. Rationale: Companies in your ICP but are NOT owned accounts are totally fair game to be customers one day (unless you have a very specific account list). Keep a high bar for them (make sure they visit high intent pages) and then reach out with a sequence to see if there is actually interest. You can round-robin this via your reps, or sequence based on territory, but our recommendation is that these sequences come from the manager or ops person on your team and then loop in a rep if interested

    2. Suggested Filters: Visited high intent pages, More than 20 seconds on website, Exclude Deals, Exclude Customers, Exclude assigned accounts, Exclude competitors

  5. Junior influencer sequences

    1. Rationale: In your normal day to day, you never have time to reach out to junior people at accounts you want to land. Everyone is chasing decision makers only to cut down time to close. But guess who rarely gets emails yet checks out other software all the time -- junior individual contributors on the teams you want to sell to! Hit them with a sequence where you ask them to loop in their manager and even let them know you're sequencing their manager too and ask for their assistance as an influencer

    2. Suggested Filters: More than 20 seconds on website, Exclude Active Deals, Exclude Customers, Larger accounts, Exclude competitors

  6. Page specific sequences

    1. Rationale: If someone is spending a lot time on a specific page, you know a lot about them - whether its a specific use case, your blog or your pricing page. These pages can have whole sequences built around them and you can really personalize the sequence to suit the page

    2. Suggested Filters: Visited X page for more than 10 seconds,Exclude Active Deals, Exclude Customers, Exclude competitors

  7. Challenge sequences

    1. Rationale: Why would a company be visiting your website for so long when there is very little chance you would sell to them? Maybe your former champion is now at a new role and trying to see if your software could fit their new needs. Maybe there are use cases you've never thought about. Send them a short email challenging assumptions: Why did you visit? We don't usually sell to companies like yours.

    2. Suggested Filters: Excluding ICP, More than 20 seconds on website, Exclude competitors

  8. Active deal sequences

    1. Rationale: Keep your active deals amazed and dazzled with what you offer. Offer gift cards, multi-thread across departments and let them know that you're working with someone else on their team to move the deal forward and ask them if they want to get involved in advocating for your software. Word of caution here: likely only do this in the beginning stages of a deal. If it will piss off your champion if you're emailing all their coworkers you could get them in trouble internally.

    2. Suggested Filters: Include Active Deals

AI Prospector Sequences & Subject Lines:

Nothin' New Sequence

Nothin' new is, well, nothin' new. When you're emailing prospects who did or likely visited your website, it is quite reasonable to send them your normal cold outbound sequences assuming that it is targeted to the persona you've chosen to reach out.

Because they or their company is spending time evaluating your solution, adding another touch point or reminder to convert to a booked meeting via email can just work.

Making no sequence changes is best fit for businesses whose buyers are averse to being identified or targeted such as Cybersecurity or Engineering buyers.

Was it you or pass me along Sequence

In this sequence your goal is to be more direct at seeing if the person you are emailing was indeed exactly the person who visited. Focus first on just making a few surface level tweaks.

Start by taking an existing sequence and tweaking the first and second emails to reference a web visit. Add new subject lines or first lines in the emails to the effect of:

  • Hey my marketing team DM'd me to let me know that you came by our website! I wanted to follow up in case you didn't yet have time to sign up for a meeting

  • Thanks for visiting your website - curious what piqued your interest?

  • Looks like someone on your team (maybe it was you?) came by our website. Do you mind fwd'ing me to the best person on your team, likely {{title you sell to}}

  • Our website partner shared that several people on your team have been visiting our site in the last few weeks - we're honored! Was the visit yours (reminder -- here's our site [HYPERLINK]) or someone on your team?)

Your team visited Sequence

In this sequence your goal is be generic in trying to find someone in the account you're interested in to respond. Focus first on just making a few surface level tweaks.

Start by taking an existing sequence and tweaking the first and second emails to reference a web visit. Add new subject lines or first lines in the emails to the effect of:

  • Is {{month}} when {{company}} tends to buy software? Looks like a few of your teammates have spent over 4 minutes combined visiting our website this month! See what they're look at here [[Hyperlink]]

  • Can I get some inside baseball from you, {{name}}? 3 people on your team in the last few weeks have come by our site and I can't figure out why. Would it make sense for you all to be investigating {{x software/service category}}?

  • The floodgates have opened! Seeing several of your coworkers visiting our site and looking at the different use cases on how {{your company}} can help {{company}}.

  • You're the missing puzzle piece - according to our partner, looks like most of the folks on your team have visited our website to see whether a {{description}} solution makes sense for {{company}}, complete the puzzle here [[Hyperlink]]?

  • According to our website analytics it sounds like your team has been spending time on our website (maybe you?) - is there anything I can help you?

Page Specific Sequence

In this sequence you can set up a workflow to specific trigger when certain pages are visited. Depending on the page you can easily guess a use case or a pricing consideration. Make sure here to reference some of the content on the page and offer either additional wisdom or insight on the topic they were browsing, or offer to help clarify. Example plays here:

  • Pricing page -> offer a 10% discount to discuss price further

  • Blog pages -> offer 3 more blog posts they might like

  • Use case page -> send a video testimonial going deeper in that use case

Add new subject lines in the emails to the effect of:

  • {{page name}} follow up

  • {{your company}} Blog 1 βœ… - up for a blog on {{topic}}?

  • 3 more reasons about {{use case}}

  • {{your company}} {{use case}}: Thanks for reading!

And first lines line to the effect of:

  • I know you are keen to solve {{your problem}} - though I worry our pricing page confused you today. Can I answer any questions about our {{x}} tier?

  • Hey saw you or your team on our pricing page - anything I can answer about it?

  • Our marketing team alerted me that your teammates were reading our blog the other day to learn more about {{value prop}}... I didn't want you to miss out so I thought I'd drop in these posts for you as well:

Subject Line Suggestions

Warmly always recommends using informal or casual subject lines - specifically those that make it seem like the email is coming from one of their colleagues and requires an action. Learn more on how & our CEO thinks about this here.

  1. thanks again for visiting! Next steps?

  2. ... remind me next steps post your visit?

  3. Thanks for stopping by our website!

  4. Did you experience an issue signing up for a meeting?

  5. fwd to {{Department you sell to}}?

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