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Warmly Integration Documentation: Outreach

Documentation for Warmly's Outreach integration

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago

Outreach Integration Setup

Warmly's Outreach integration only takes a few seconds to set up, and will enable your team to add prospects to your Outreach sequences effortlessly (and, if you're using our AI Prospector tool, automatically!) straight from Warmly.

To integrate Outreach, head to your Warmly dashboard and find the Integrations section within the Settings tab. From there, you can access the Outreach integration.

In order to set up the Outreach integration, click the 'Get Started' button on the page. From here, you will need to sign in with your Outreach account and may need to select a set of Warmly permissions. Once this is done, your Outreach will be integrated with Warmly... voilà!

Outreach Integration Overview

Warmly's scope of access into your Outreach is very limited in our integration.

When adding a prospect to a sequence through Warmly, either manually or automatically using AI Prospector, we will create that contact object in Outreach and add them to the selected sequence.

If the company with which the contact is associated is not in Outreach, Warmly will also create that company object.

If the person signed into Warmly is a user of Outreach and has a functioning mailbox, they will be the sender of the sequence. If not, we default to having the sender of the sequence be the person who set up the Outreach integration within Warmly.

Finally, Warmly also reads data from your Outreach to enrich information in Warmly with sequence data. See below for an example of this.

Example: an account in the Warm Accounts tab that has prospects added to a sequence

Duplicate Data and Duplicate Outreach to Prospects

How Warmly Handles Duplicate Data

When Warmly detects that an existing contact or domain is already present in your Sales Engagement Platform (SEP), we take proactive steps to avoid writing back duplicate data. Here's how it works:

  1. Contact and Domain Matching: Warmly compares the information of the contact or domain being synced with your SEP against existing records. We look for matches based on key identifiers such as email addresses or website domains.

  2. No Overwriting: If Warmly detects a matching contact or domain in your SEP, we will not overwrite or create duplicate data. We will not reach out to that contact.

This article was written by the Customer Success team at Warmly. Please feel free to reach out to your CSM directly or [email protected]

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