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Creating and Using Templates in Connect The Dots

How to create and use templates in Warmly's Connect The Dots integration for warm introductions

Maximus Greenwald avatar
Written by Maximus Greenwald
Updated over a week ago

Implementing a variety of email templates within Connect The Dots will help your team more effectively and efficiently send warm introduction requests to your potential connectors. In the below video, we go over how to create and implement templates. At the bottom of this page, we've included a series of basic templates that Warmly has created to get you started (feel free to copy and paste these into Connect The Dots, making adjustments where necessary!).

Use Case: Warmly identified individual visited your website

Use this template when Warmly has helped you identify the exact visitor who was on your website and you're looking for connections to that person.

Subject: {{target.first_name}} is showing web intent! Mind making a quick intro?


Hey {{contact.first_name}},

It looks like you might know {{}} at {{}}. Would you be open to passing along a forwardable note?

They were recently browsing our website for over a minute and on multiple high intent pages. They haven't filled out a demo request form yet but I can see their intent is rising.

Would love to hop on a quick call with them.

Thank you,


Use Case: An unidentified individual at an ICP company visited your website

Use this template when you’re not sure exactly who visited your website from a company, but you're looking for introductions to people at that company that fit your ICP persona.


Intro to {{}}? .... {{}} showing web intent!


Hey {{contact.first_name}},

It looks like you might know {{}} at {{}}. Would you be open to passing along a forwardable note?

Someone on their team at {{target.company_name_website_url}} was just recently browsing our website for over a minute and on multiple high intent pages (might have even been them). They haven't filled out a demo request form yet but I can see the intent is rising.

Thank you,


Use Case: An unidentified individual at an ICP company visited your website (intro to potential office-mates based on location)

Use this template when you’re not sure exactly who visited your website from a company, but you're looking for introductions to people at that company that fit your ICP persona and who are located in the same office (location) as the unidentified visitor.


Intro to {{}}? .... {{}} showing web intent!


Hey {{contact.first_name}},

It looks like you might know {{}} at {{}}.

Would you be open to passing along a forwardable note? Someone at the {{target.company_name_website_url}} office was just recently browsing our website for over a minute and on multiple high intent pages. They haven't filled out a demo request form yet but I can see the intent is rising.

Looks like {{target.first_name}} might work in the same office as whoever visited -- it might have even been them!

Thank you,


Use Case: Asking a colleague for an introduction to someone that visited your website

Use this when you see that your colleague is connected to someone who just visited your website and you would like to ask for a warm introduction.


Mind shooting off a CTD template for me for an account I'm working?


Hey {{contact.first_name}},

Based on CTD it looks like you might know {{}} at {{}}. Would you be open to asking for an intro for me via Connect The Dots to {{target.ctd_url}} (<-- just click on that link).

{{target.company_name_website_url}} key personas just recently were browsing our website for over a minute and on multiple high intent pages. They haven't filled out a demo request form yet but I can see the intent is rising.

Thank you,


This article was written by the Customer Success team at Warmly. Please feel free to reach out to your CSM directly or [email protected]

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